A few weeks back I mentioned that I made yoghurt again. A few friends asked me to show them how. Here it is.
You need
Milk-I will either use whole milk or 2%-make sure it's not that ultra-pastureized shit. Make sure that if you use whole milk, your yoghurt starter is whole milk too. Likewise with the 2%. Here's what I used yesterday:
Next you will need powdered milk-this is an optional thickener-I like really thick, Greek style yoghurt. Any kind will do.
You will also need a yoghurt starter. New England Cheese Company has some really nice starter powders that you can order. I will be getting around to that soon. In a pinch, use a plain yoghurt that is to your liking. Just like I said, make sure that the fat content matches the milk. I used this:
Ok, rest of the supply list:
2 quart mason jars
a small cooler
liquid and dry measuring cups
2 large pots
A sink full of cold water
Either a kettle or a pan of hot water (if you use the cooler method)
A candy thermometer. You can use any type of cooking thermometer-I use this kind as I am cheap.
As far as the other things, you can use any container to hold the yoghurt, but you also need a way to maintain the temperature to allow the bacteria in the yoghurt to multiply. I use a small cooler full of warm water to do so. Again-New England Cheese Company has some nice gadgets too. In warmer weather you can even just wrap a bowl in a towel.
To start, put 1/3 cup of the yoghurt in a cup or small bowl, mix with some of the milk that you are using to thin it out.
Put 4 cups of the milk in a saucepan. Whisk in 2 or 3 tablespoons of powdered milk, if using. Heat the milk until it is just bubbling in the middle. Do not boil, just a few bubbles in the middle of the pan will do.
Now put the pan in the sink of cold water-adding ice helps too. You want to use your thermometer and cool the milk to 110-115 degrees:
Next-you whisk in the yoghurt/milk mixture. Then add it to your container.
I use the mason jars-I usually boil them to sterilize them, but as long as the containers are REALLY clean, you should be Ok.
Then I add hot water to the cooler, using the hot water from the jar sterilizing and the cold water from the sink to make the water in the cooler about 110-115 degrees-use your thermometer again. Then you add the jars
And put it where it will remain undisturbed for a long time. Some say 3 hours, I usually go 12 hours.
My last step is to line a colander with coffee filters and set it in a large container. I then allow the yoghurt to drain overnight
And here is the finished product:
And I'm done-Have the loveliest of days.
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