Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Checking in

I am currently decompressing from Communion Weekend Mayhem 2013.

All went well, no thunderclaps or lightning strikes as Von did the whole thing.

I started my Monday by tripping off a curb and wetting my pants, and the some absolutely horrible, terrible news came out of the kids school yesterday that I would rather not write about.

If your kids go to my kids school, you already know about it. If not, you really don't want to know, it's awful and will ruin your day, trust me.

Last night, I began a book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield

One of those books that you start reading and after a few sentences you are delighted to discover that this was EXACTLY what you needed to read right at that moment.

That being said, I need to wage my own war on Resistance (as the book talks about) and sit down and write some things that I have been putting off for way too long.

I submitted a piece for NPR's Three Minute Fiction-check it out if you have a moment. Even if you don't write, reading the stories is great fun.

But that is not enough-I have much more to do and am going to do so right now.

I will leave you with my daily nag to join the newsletter fun:
Random Helpful Shit and Meditations for The Mildly Irreverent

I believe that the first one goes out today!

I meant to leave you with some serious bumble-bee porn, but the loving couple, who had alighted on a leaf to rest in between thrusts had flown away by the time I ran back out with my camera.

So I will leave you with a picture of my Jack In The Pulpit plant that I had given up on. I was certain it wasn't coming back and lo and behold, I found it starting to sprout yesterday:

Gah! Shitty Ipod photos. 

Have a lovely day-I'll go get a better picture when I am done with my work.

1 comment:

  1. We're living parallel lives again. 'Cept I don't grow things. You are AMAZING!! (:
