Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Day Musings

I miss my birdfeeder today.

With the snow all over and the slightly less than full moon in the sky, a few birds out at the feeder would have made the scene perfect.

Most likely the birds would have been cardinals, my favorite.

But the rat in the feeder last year put an end to all that.

I am tired and I ache from shoveling snow at 11:00 last night, but I am glad to be home. I always love to see B's family, but I love home the best.

Today will be a snow day for me. B kindly went grocery shopping while I was at work, there is nothing to do except a little cleaning and a few loads of laundry. I plan on making a snowman and many cups of tea and hot chocolate. The bees will most likely need to be dug out as well.

Horst just came up clad in baggy exercise pants that were tucked into motorcycle boots, it was quite a sight. He lacks both good dress sense and tact.

On his days off, he waits to hear me get up and comes upstairs to ask something or bring something up and stays to chat, paying no attention to the fact that I look half asleep and I am very obviously trying to write something.

He also likes to rush upstairs as soon as we get home from a trip, to fill us in on how the week was. He stands right in the middle of the main "traffic" area, while we are wrangling the kids, lugging in bags and preventing the damn cat from running outside.

Horst actually getting the hint would involve being very stern and direct with him, which would probably hurt his feelings. I never say anything, just nod and chat with him, while silently wishing he would go back to the basement already. He always, eventually, does that.

It's amazingly beautiful outside. I'm surprised that we didn't lose power with all the snow that is sticking to the branches out there. Driving home last night, the parkway on which I lived was lovely. All of the pretty houses covered in snow, with their Christmas trees still shining through the window.

I wanted to post on Facebook that it looked like a Thomas Kinkaide painting had vomited all over the parkway, but felt that I really couldn't just bring that comment home.

Never mind. Have a lovely snow day if you got snow. Don't slip, don't strain your back or give yourself a heart attack while shoveling. If you have a kid or two handy, be sure to make them a snowman.

Until later.

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